You can make up to $2,582,805.72 by referring 3 people
Written by cybermagic on 17:08As a WorkFor3Dollars Club member you will have your own referral URL instantly, the possibility to create your own Contact List, Access to $1000+ worth of Digital Products and the opportunity to earn $2,566,863.30 ALL TOGETHER!!!
There is a single life-time membership fee of US $3.00 ! There are no other hidden fees. You are being paid for direct and indirect referrals.
Members earn $0.50 plus $1.00 (first level) then $0.12 for every direct referrals and $0.12 for indirect referrals. This means that you get your $3.00 back with only 2 people referred and You do not only gain money for every person you refer, but you also get paid for the referrals referred by your referrals and then for their referrals and so on, 15 levels deep. The table below is an example which demonstrates how your earnings will accumulate.
The example shows that you can make $2,566,863.30 by referring 3 people, but as we do not limit the number of your direct referrals, you may refer as many as you can and therefore earn quite a bit more.
Life Time Club Membership fee: $3.00 Only !
..Less than the cost of a COFFEE!
WorkFor3Dollars Member Benefits :
WF3D Staff and Members will help you to earn in this program. Guaranteed! Receive $2,566,863.30 profits! First 2 People return your $3 ! ..Check Here. No internet business experience required. Access to $1,000+ worth of Digital Products. All Products have Resell Rights. Create Your Mailing List Post to your Downline Weekly Your own referral URL instantly and automatically. Create as MANY Accounts as YOU LIKE! All your profits will be deposited directly to your account instantly. WorkFor3Dollars MATRIX
If you refer only 3 people and each of your Direct and indirect referrals also refers 3 people each, your earnings will add up to:Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | Amount $1.00 $0.12 $0.12 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 | People 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 19683 59049 177147 531441 1594323 4782969 14348907 | Income $3.00 $1.08 $3.24 $8.10 $24.30 $72.90 $218.70 $656.10 $1,968.30 $5,904.90 $17,714.70 $53,144.10 $191,318.76 $573,956.28 $1,721,868.84 |
Total Earning $2,566,863.30 !!!
...And that's NOT COUNTING Your $0.50 FOR EACH member referred!
WorkFor3Dollars is forced 3 X 15 matrix, so if your upline has more than 3 referrals, you will get referrals (spillover) from your upline.
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